Infinite Challenge - History & Rap Crossover

by - 01:00:00

Currently, I am watching some variety show. And Infinite Challenge never failed to surprise me.
I will watch it depends on the theme they are working on. And this time they combined rap with history - History X Hip Hop Project: Our Great Heritage

For me, It’s a great project. 
To promote history to the young generation.
Not to forget how your ancestor is fighting for what you have right now.
By doing collaboration with Korean most popular rapper on the history. And all of them would need to take history lesson class.

Seriously, the history teacher -Seol Min-Suk is soooo good. Though he start with loooong introduction. He’s able to give visual picture in our mind on how to link to history and some jokes or current trend. And of course with the assistance of IC member to make the whole lesson fun and interesting.

For everyone in the world, it's the same. History lesson is always boring class.
We get bored. We get sleepy as soon as the teacher starts lesson.

But this teacher…. Try his best not to make it sleepy.

Do not own credit for the photo. 
Photo credit goes to MBC

Just sharing

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